Author: Kevin Roos

  • Dynamics Ax creating a batch job from code

    Hi, Here is a simple code snippet to create Batch jobs from code. This convenient when starting a heavy load job from a user interface and still keep the client responsive.

  • Dynamics Ax Creating sales orders with the SalesAutoCreate class

    Many projects use an interface to import their sales orders, because of this a SalesAutoCreate class was created. This class is easily extendable and customizable.The first thing to do is designing a buffer table, like this one for example: After this we can start extending a new class from the SalesAutoCreate class and modifying the…

  • Dynamics Ax Cleaning up the AIF document log

    While doing a small AIF project I wrote a small batch class to cleanup the AIF document log because the button on the AifDocumentHistory form can take up a huge amount of time. The first thing I did to write this class is checking out the standard Ax code in the following method ClassesAifMessageManagerclearAllProcessedAndError. This…

  • Dynamics Ax 2009 using the DateTimeUtil

    Since i’m getting a lot of google hits on my Dynamics Ax – workdays to days post, i’ve decided to blog some more about it. The DateTimeUtil class is actually a wrapper of the .NET DateTime class. A first thing to remember when using UtcDateTime EDT’s is that it is stored like the name says…

  • Dynamics Ax modifying CreatedDateTime

    For testing purposes with the MRP we needed to modify the createdDateTime fields in Dynamics Ax 2009. Since these are system fields we needed a workaround. if(isRunningOnServer() && CurUserId() == “Admin”) { new OverwriteSystemfieldsPermission().assert(); salesLine.overwriteSystemfields(true); // “YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS” salesLine.(fieldnum(SalesTable,CreatedDateTime)) = str2datetime( “2010/04/03 11:00:00” ,321 ); salesLine.doInsert(); salesLine.overwriteSystemfields(false); CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); } Remarks: Since this code is pretty…

  • Dynamics ax a key with the name %1 already exists

    Today I had to fix a bug in some custom code in Dynamics Ax 2009, we had an error from the JournalTransList class that stated “A key with the name %1 already exists.” Cause: A custom field on the WMSJournalTrans table that was extending from LineNum Reason: The JournalTransList has methods to check if the primary…

  • Dynamics Ax workdays to days

    Ever had to calculate the number of days starting from a number of workdays and even deal with holidays.A pretty straightforward example using the DateTimeUtil class and DayOfWk method.